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Curry Package curry-interface


This package contains libraries to represent and read interfaces of Curry modules which are usually generated by the Curry front end and stored in files with suffix .icurry.

The structure of these interfaces is defined in the module CurryInterface.Types. The module CurryInterface.Files contains operations to read .icurry files and returns the structure of the interface.

The module CurryInterface.Pretty contains pretty-printing operations for interfaces, parameterized with various options. These are used in the tool curry-showinterface, generated when installing this package, to print the interface of a Curry module. This tool is used in Curry REPLs to implement the command :interface.


Checkout with CPM:
cypm checkout curry-interface 1.0.0
Package source:
curry-interface-1.0.0.tar.gz [browse]
Source repository: