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tools:editors [2020-09-05 16:42] – [Kate] fix spelling bbletools:editors [2024-04-15 17:06] (current) – Add section on Visual Studio Code mh
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 Of course, one can use any text editor to write and modify Curry programs. Of course, one can use any text editor to write and modify Curry programs.
-However, for some editors (listed below), there exist specific modes+However, for some editors/IDEs (listed below), there exist specific modes
 to edit or highlight Curry programs. to edit or highlight Curry programs.
 +===== Visual Studio Code =====
 +In order to get Curry language support in Visual Studio Code,
 +you have to build the
 +[[ https://github.com/fwcd/curry-language-server | Curry Language Server ]]
 +on your machine which requires [[http://www.haskellstack.org/ | Haskell stack]].
 +If you have `stack` installed, download the repository,
 +run ''stack install'', and add ''~/.local/bin'' to your path.
 +For example, execute the following commands:
 +    > git clone https://github.com/fwcd/curry-language-server
 +    > cd curry-language-server
 +    > stack install
 +    > export PATH=~/.local/bin:$PATH
 +After building the Curry Language Server, start Visual Studio Code. Then:
 +  * Go to extensions (Ctrl+Shift+X) and search for Curry or `fwcd.curry`.
 +  * Install the "Curry IDE for Visual Studio Code"
 +  * If the executable ''curry-language-server'' is not in your path, set the option ''curry.languageServer.path'' explicitly to this executable. This can be done by selecting ''File>Preferences>Settings>Extensions>Curry''.
 +  * There you might also set the `Import Paths` to the directory where your Curry system contains the base libraries, e.g.:
 +      "curry.languageServer.importPaths": [
 +        "/home/mh/pakcs/lib"
 +      ],
 +  * The Curry IDE has to find the code of imported modules. In order to do so, you need to run `cypm deps -l` in the directory where you invoke Visual Studio Code. If `cypm` is in your path and you are inside a Curry package, the Curry Language Server does this automatically for you.
 +  * If you reach a situation where the language server cannot find the source code of imported entities, you might try to clean intermediate data. To do so, close Visual Studio Code, remove the directory ''.curry/language-server'', run ''cypm deps -l'', and start again.
 ===== Emacs ===== ===== Emacs =====
/srv/dokuwiki/currywiki/data/pages/tools/editors.txt · Last modified: 2024-04-15 17:06 by mh
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