Module CPP.ICode.Parser.SQL.Parser

This module parses a list of Token according to the supported SQL grammar. It internally makes use of the SQL Parser Monad defined in the SQLParserTypes module. The result is an abstract syntax tree or - in case of errors - the list of error messages wrapped in the ParseMonad (PM) which is part of curryPP. An error recovery approach is realized.

Summary of exported operations:

parseTkLs :: Pos -> [Token] -> PM [Statement]  Deterministic 
Organizes the wrapping with respect to the internally used Parser Monad.

Exported operations:

parseTkLs :: Pos -> [Token] -> PM [Statement]  Deterministic 

Organizes the wrapping with respect to the internally used Parser Monad. Invokes the parsing process for each single statement. Returns a list of statements (as AST) wrapped in a ParseMonad.