Module CPM.Diff.Rename

Contains a function that prefixes all modules in a package and all modules in all of its transitive dependencies with a given string.

Summary of exported operations:

prefixPackageAndDeps :: Config -> Repository -> GlobalCache -> String -> String -> String -> ErrorLogger [(String,String)]  Deterministic 
Prefix all modules in a package and all modules in all of its transitive dependencies with a string.

Exported operations:

prefixPackageAndDeps :: Config -> Repository -> GlobalCache -> String -> String -> String -> ErrorLogger [(String,String)]  Deterministic 

Prefix all modules in a package and all modules in all of its transitive dependencies with a string.

Example call:
(prefixPackageAndDeps cfg repo gc dir prefix destDir)
  • cfg : the CPM configuration
  • repo : the central package index
  • gc : the global package cache
  • dir : the directory of the package
  • prefix : the prefix for all module names
  • destDir : the destination directory for the modified modules