Module Symbolic

This module provides data structures for tracing symbolic information.

Author: Jan Tikovsky

Version: December 2017

Summary of exported operations:

prelSymCons :: String -> TypeExpr -> SymObj   
Create a symbolic constructor for a typed FlatCurry Prelude constructor
soType :: SymObj -> TypeExpr   
Get the type of a symbolic object
lcNeg :: LConstr -> LConstr   
Negate a literal constraint
lcMirror :: LConstr -> LConstr   
Mirror literal constraint due to swapping of argument order
getLConstr :: (String,String) -> AExpr TypeExpr -> Maybe (Int,SymObj)   
Generate a literal constraint from the given FlatCurry expression, if possible
rmvApplies :: AExpr TypeExpr -> AExpr TypeExpr   
isApplyCall :: AExpr a -> Bool   
litConstrs :: [((String,String),LConstr)]   
List of supported literal constraints
ppTrace :: [Decision] -> Doc   
Pretty printing of a symbolic trace
getSVars :: Decision -> [Int]   
Get all symbolic variables of a decision
rnmTrace :: [Int] -> [Decision] -> ([[Decision]],Int) -> ([[Decision]],Int)   
Rename all variables occuring in a symbolic trace
mkCoveredCs :: SymObj -> [Int] -> CoveredCs   
Create information on covered constructors / constraint

Exported datatypes:


Symbolic objects Symbolic object

  • symbolic FlatCurry constructor
  • constraint on symbolic literal



Literal constraint


  • E :: LConstr
  • NE :: LConstr
  • L :: LConstr
  • LE :: LConstr
  • G :: LConstr
  • GE :: LConstr


Symbolic tracing of case branches Symbolic trace

Type synonym: Trace = [Decision]


Symbolic information for branch decisions

  • identifier of case expression
  • number of selected branch
  • associated symbolic variable
  • symbolic object (i.e. chosen constructor or literal constraint)
  • possible symbolic variables for arguments



Case identifier

Type synonym: CaseID = VarIndex


Branch number, i.e. branch m of n branches


  • BNr :: Int -> Int -> BranchNr


Nodes of symbolic execution tree Representation of path constraints, i.e.

  • decision variable
  • symbolic object
  • argument variables

Type synonym: PathConstr = (VarIndex,SymObj,[VarIndex])


A symbolic node includes the following information:

  • the depth of the node in the execution tree,
  • the context of the node, i.e. its case id and preceeding case ids,
  • indices of SMT-LIB constants which are required for the SMT-LIB model
  • possible path constraints and
  • the decision variables introduced up to this node
  • the decision variable of this node



Node depth in a symbolic execution tree

Type synonym: Depth = Int


A context is a case identifier followed by a sequence of preceeding case identifiers

Type synonym: Context = [VarIndex]


Coverage information Coverage information for case expressions

  • ids of uncovered branches
  • information on already covered constructors / literal constraints


  • CoverInfo :: [Int] -> CoveredCs -> CoverInfo



Covered constructors / literal constraints


Exported operations:

prelSymCons :: String -> TypeExpr -> SymObj   

Create a symbolic constructor for a typed FlatCurry Prelude constructor

Further infos:
  • solution complete, i.e., able to compute all solutions

soType :: SymObj -> TypeExpr   

Get the type of a symbolic object

lcNeg :: LConstr -> LConstr   

Negate a literal constraint

Further infos:
  • solution complete, i.e., able to compute all solutions

lcMirror :: LConstr -> LConstr   

Mirror literal constraint due to swapping of argument order

getLConstr :: (String,String) -> AExpr TypeExpr -> Maybe (Int,SymObj)   

Generate a literal constraint from the given FlatCurry expression, if possible

isApplyCall :: AExpr a -> Bool   

litConstrs :: [((String,String),LConstr)]   

List of supported literal constraints

ppTrace :: [Decision] -> Doc   

Pretty printing of a symbolic trace

getSVars :: Decision -> [Int]   

Get all symbolic variables of a decision

Further infos:
  • solution complete, i.e., able to compute all solutions

rnmTrace :: [Int] -> [Decision] -> ([[Decision]],Int) -> ([[Decision]],Int)   

Rename all variables occuring in a symbolic trace

mkCoveredCs :: SymObj -> [Int] -> CoveredCs   

Create information on covered constructors / constraint

Further infos:
  • solution complete, i.e., able to compute all solutions