Module Analysis.SolutionCompleteness

Analysis for solution completeness: check whether functions are solution complete, i.e., calls only non-rigid functions

Author: Michael Hanus

Version: April 2013

Summary of exported operations:

solcompAnalysis :: Analysis Bool  Deterministic 
The completeness analysis is a global function dependency analysis.
showSolComplete :: AOutFormat -> Bool -> String  Deterministic 

Exported operations:

solcompAnalysis :: Analysis Bool  Deterministic 

The completeness analysis is a global function dependency analysis. It assigns to a function a flag which is True if this function is operationally complete, i.e., does not call (explicitly or implicitly) a rigid function.

showSolComplete :: AOutFormat -> Bool -> String  Deterministic 

Further infos:
  • solution complete, i.e., able to compute all solutions