Module Distribution

This module contains functions to obtain information concerning the current distribution of the Curry implementation, e.g., compiler version, load paths, front end.

Author: Bernd Brassel, Michael Hanus, Bjoern Peemoeller

Version: December 2016

Summary of exported operations:

curryCompiler :: String   
The name of the Curry compiler (e.g., "pakcs" or "kics2").
curryCompilerMajorVersion :: Int   
The major version number of the Curry compiler.
curryCompilerMinorVersion :: Int   
The minor version number of the Curry compiler.
curryRuntime :: String   
The name of the run-time environment (e.g., "sicstus", "swi", or "ghc")
curryRuntimeMajorVersion :: Int   
The major version number of the Curry run-time environment.
curryRuntimeMinorVersion :: Int   
The minor version number of the Curry run-time environment.
installDir :: String   
Path of the main installation directory of the Curry compiler.
rcFileName :: IO String   
The name of the file specifying configuration parameters of the current distribution.
rcFileContents :: IO [(String,String)]   
Returns the current configuration parameters of the distribution.
getRcVar :: String -> IO (Maybe String)   
Look up a specific configuration variable as specified by user in his rc file.
getRcVars :: [String] -> IO [Maybe String]   
Look up configuration variables as specified by user in his rc file.
splitModuleFileName :: String -> String -> (String,String)   
Split the FilePath of a module into the directory prefix and the FilePath corresponding to the module name.
splitModuleIdentifiers :: String -> [String]   
Split up the components of a module identifier.
joinModuleIdentifiers :: [String] -> String   
Join the components of a module identifier.
stripCurrySuffix :: String -> String   
Strips the suffix ".curry" or ".lcurry" from a file name.
modNameToPath :: String -> String   
Transforms a hierarchical module name into a path name, i.e., replace the dots in the name by directory separator chars.
currySubdir :: String   
Name of the sub directory where auxiliary files (.fint, .fcy, etc) are stored.
inCurrySubdir :: String -> String   
Transforms a path to a module name into a file name by adding the currySubDir to the path and transforming a hierarchical module name into a path.
inCurrySubdirModule :: String -> String -> String   
Transforms a file name by adding the currySubDir to the file name.
addCurrySubdir :: String -> String   
Transforms a directory name into the name of the corresponding sub directory containing auxiliary files.
sysLibPath :: [String]   
finding files in correspondence to compiler load path Returns the current path (list of directory names) of the system libraries.
getLoadPathForModule :: String -> IO [String]   
Returns the current path (list of directory names) that is used for loading modules w.r.t.
lookupModuleSourceInLoadPath :: String -> IO (Maybe (String,String))   
Returns a directory name and the actual source file name for a module by looking up the module source in the current load path.
lookupModuleSource :: [String] -> String -> IO (Maybe (String,String))   
Returns a directory name and the actual source file name for a module by looking up the module source in the load path provided as the first argument.
defaultParams :: FrontendParams   
The default parameters of the front end.
rcParams :: IO FrontendParams   
The default parameters of the front end as configured by the compiler specific resource configuration file.
setQuiet :: Bool -> FrontendParams -> FrontendParams   
Set quiet mode of the front end.
setExtended :: Bool -> FrontendParams -> FrontendParams   
Set extended mode of the front end.
setOverlapWarn :: Bool -> FrontendParams -> FrontendParams   
Set overlap warn mode of the front end.
setFullPath :: [String] -> FrontendParams -> FrontendParams   
Set the full path of the front end.
setHtmlDir :: String -> FrontendParams -> FrontendParams   
Set the htmldir parameter of the front end.
setLogfile :: String -> FrontendParams -> FrontendParams   
Set the logfile parameter of the front end.
setSpecials :: String -> FrontendParams -> FrontendParams   
Set additional specials parameters of the front end.
addTarget :: FrontendTarget -> FrontendParams -> FrontendParams   
Add an additional front end target.
quiet :: FrontendParams -> Bool   
Returns the value of the "quiet" parameter.
extended :: FrontendParams -> Bool   
Returns the value of the "extended" parameter.
overlapWarn :: FrontendParams -> Bool   
Returns the value of the "overlapWarn" parameter.
fullPath :: FrontendParams -> Maybe [String]   
Returns the full path parameter of the front end.
htmldir :: FrontendParams -> Maybe String   
Returns the htmldir parameter of the front end.
logfile :: FrontendParams -> Maybe String   
Returns the logfile parameter of the front end.
specials :: FrontendParams -> String   
Returns the special parameters of the front end.
callFrontend :: FrontendTarget -> String -> IO ()   
In order to make sure that compiler generated files (like .fcy, .fint, .acy) are up to date, one can call the front end of the Curry compiler with this action.
callFrontendWithParams :: FrontendTarget -> FrontendParams -> String -> IO ()   
In order to make sure that compiler generated files (like .fcy, .fint, .acy) are up to date, one can call the front end of the Curry compiler with this action where various parameters can be set.

Exported datatypes:


Data type for representing the different target files that can be produced by the front end of the Curry compiler.


  • FCY :: FrontendTarget : FlatCurry file ending with .fcy
  • FINT :: FrontendTarget : FlatCurry interface file ending with .fint
  • ACY :: FrontendTarget : AbstractCurry file ending with .acy
  • UACY :: FrontendTarget : Untyped (without type checking) AbstractCurry file ending with .uacy
  • HTML :: FrontendTarget : colored HTML representation of source program
  • CY :: FrontendTarget : source representation employed by the frontend
  • TOKS :: FrontendTarget : token stream of source program


Abstract data type for representing parameters supported by the front end of the Curry compiler.


Exported operations:

curryCompiler :: String   

The name of the Curry compiler (e.g., "pakcs" or "kics2").

Further infos:
  • externally defined

curryCompilerMajorVersion :: Int   

The major version number of the Curry compiler.

Further infos:
  • externally defined

curryCompilerMinorVersion :: Int   

The minor version number of the Curry compiler.

Further infos:
  • externally defined

curryRuntime :: String   

The name of the run-time environment (e.g., "sicstus", "swi", or "ghc")

Further infos:
  • externally defined

curryRuntimeMajorVersion :: Int   

The major version number of the Curry run-time environment.

Further infos:
  • externally defined

curryRuntimeMinorVersion :: Int   

The minor version number of the Curry run-time environment.

Further infos:
  • externally defined

installDir :: String   

Path of the main installation directory of the Curry compiler.

Further infos:
  • externally defined

rcFileName :: IO String   

The name of the file specifying configuration parameters of the current distribution. This file must have the usual format of property files (see description in module PropertyFile).

rcFileContents :: IO [(String,String)]   

Returns the current configuration parameters of the distribution. This action yields the list of pairs (var,val).

getRcVar :: String -> IO (Maybe String)   

Look up a specific configuration variable as specified by user in his rc file. Uppercase/lowercase is ignored for the variable names.

getRcVars :: [String] -> IO [Maybe String]   

Look up configuration variables as specified by user in his rc file. Uppercase/lowercase is ignored for the variable names.

splitModuleFileName :: String -> String -> (String,String)   

Split the FilePath of a module into the directory prefix and the FilePath corresponding to the module name. For instance, the call splitModuleFileName "Data.Set" "lib/Data/Set.curry" evaluates to ("lib", "Data/Set.curry"). This can be useful to compute output directories while retaining the hierarchical module structure.

splitModuleIdentifiers :: String -> [String]   

Split up the components of a module identifier. For instance, splitModuleIdentifiers "Data.Set" evaluates to ["Data", "Set"].

joinModuleIdentifiers :: [String] -> String   

Join the components of a module identifier. For instance, joinModuleIdentifiers ["Data", "Set"] evaluates to "Data.Set".

stripCurrySuffix :: String -> String   

Strips the suffix ".curry" or ".lcurry" from a file name.

modNameToPath :: String -> String   

Transforms a hierarchical module name into a path name, i.e., replace the dots in the name by directory separator chars.

currySubdir :: String   

Name of the sub directory where auxiliary files (.fint, .fcy, etc) are stored.

Further infos:
  • solution complete, i.e., able to compute all solutions

inCurrySubdir :: String -> String   

Transforms a path to a module name into a file name by adding the currySubDir to the path and transforming a hierarchical module name into a path. For instance, inCurrySubdir "mylib/Data.Char" evaluates to "mylib/.curry/Data/Char".

inCurrySubdirModule :: String -> String -> String   

Transforms a file name by adding the currySubDir to the file name. This version respects hierarchical module names.

addCurrySubdir :: String -> String   

Transforms a directory name into the name of the corresponding sub directory containing auxiliary files.

sysLibPath :: [String]   

finding files in correspondence to compiler load path Returns the current path (list of directory names) of the system libraries.

getLoadPathForModule :: String -> IO [String]   

Returns the current path (list of directory names) that is used for loading modules w.r.t. a given module path. The directory prefix of the module path (or "." if there is no such prefix) is the first element of the load path and the remaining elements are determined by the environment variable CURRYRPATH and the entry "libraries" of the system's rc file.

lookupModuleSourceInLoadPath :: String -> IO (Maybe (String,String))   

Returns a directory name and the actual source file name for a module by looking up the module source in the current load path. If the module is hierarchical, the directory is the top directory of the hierarchy. Returns Nothing if there is no corresponding source file.

lookupModuleSource :: [String] -> String -> IO (Maybe (String,String))   

Returns a directory name and the actual source file name for a module by looking up the module source in the load path provided as the first argument. If the module is hierarchical, the directory is the top directory of the hierarchy. Returns Nothing if there is no corresponding source file.

defaultParams :: FrontendParams   

The default parameters of the front end.

Further infos:
  • solution complete, i.e., able to compute all solutions

rcParams :: IO FrontendParams   

The default parameters of the front end as configured by the compiler specific resource configuration file.

setQuiet :: Bool -> FrontendParams -> FrontendParams   

Set quiet mode of the front end.

Further infos:
  • solution complete, i.e., able to compute all solutions

setExtended :: Bool -> FrontendParams -> FrontendParams   

Set extended mode of the front end.

Further infos:
  • solution complete, i.e., able to compute all solutions

setOverlapWarn :: Bool -> FrontendParams -> FrontendParams   

Set overlap warn mode of the front end.

Further infos:
  • solution complete, i.e., able to compute all solutions

setFullPath :: [String] -> FrontendParams -> FrontendParams   

Set the full path of the front end. If this parameter is set, the front end searches all modules in this path (instead of using the default path).

Further infos:
  • solution complete, i.e., able to compute all solutions

setHtmlDir :: String -> FrontendParams -> FrontendParams   

Set the htmldir parameter of the front end. Relevant for HTML generation.

Further infos:
  • solution complete, i.e., able to compute all solutions

setLogfile :: String -> FrontendParams -> FrontendParams   

Set the logfile parameter of the front end. If this parameter is set, all messages produced by the front end are stored in this file.

Further infos:
  • solution complete, i.e., able to compute all solutions

setSpecials :: String -> FrontendParams -> FrontendParams   

Set additional specials parameters of the front end. These parameters are specific for the current front end and should be used with care, since their form might change in the future.

Further infos:
  • solution complete, i.e., able to compute all solutions

addTarget :: FrontendTarget -> FrontendParams -> FrontendParams   

Add an additional front end target.

Further infos:
  • solution complete, i.e., able to compute all solutions

quiet :: FrontendParams -> Bool   

Returns the value of the "quiet" parameter.

Further infos:
  • solution complete, i.e., able to compute all solutions

extended :: FrontendParams -> Bool   

Returns the value of the "extended" parameter.

Further infos:
  • solution complete, i.e., able to compute all solutions

overlapWarn :: FrontendParams -> Bool   

Returns the value of the "overlapWarn" parameter.

Further infos:
  • solution complete, i.e., able to compute all solutions

fullPath :: FrontendParams -> Maybe [String]   

Returns the full path parameter of the front end.

Further infos:
  • solution complete, i.e., able to compute all solutions

htmldir :: FrontendParams -> Maybe String   

Returns the htmldir parameter of the front end.

Further infos:
  • solution complete, i.e., able to compute all solutions

logfile :: FrontendParams -> Maybe String   

Returns the logfile parameter of the front end.

Further infos:
  • solution complete, i.e., able to compute all solutions

specials :: FrontendParams -> String   

Returns the special parameters of the front end.

Further infos:
  • solution complete, i.e., able to compute all solutions

callFrontend :: FrontendTarget -> String -> IO ()   

In order to make sure that compiler generated files (like .fcy, .fint, .acy) are up to date, one can call the front end of the Curry compiler with this action. If the front end returns with an error, an exception is raised.

Example call:
(callFrontend target progname)
  • target : the kind of target file to be generated
  • progname : the name of the main module of the application to be compiled

callFrontendWithParams :: FrontendTarget -> FrontendParams -> String -> IO ()   

In order to make sure that compiler generated files (like .fcy, .fint, .acy) are up to date, one can call the front end of the Curry compiler with this action where various parameters can be set. If the front end returns with an error, an exception is raised.

Example call:
(callFrontendWithParams target params modpath)
  • target : the kind of target file to be generated
  • params : parameters for the front end
  • modpath : the name of the main module possibly prefixed with a directory where this module resides