Uploaded at Apr 1 11:56:22 2020 (UTC)

Curry Package addtypes

curry-addtypes - A tool to add missing type signatures in a Curry program

This package contains the tool curry-addtypes which adds missing type signatures to top-level operations in a Curry module. Moreover, it contains a library to process strings containing Curry source code and classifies it into a few standard categories

Installing the tool

The tool can be directly installed by the command

> cpm installbin addtypes

This installs the executable curry-addtypes in the bin directory of CPM.

Using the tool

If the bin directory of CPM (default: ~/.cpm/bin) is in your path, execute the tool with the Curry program where type signatures should be added, e.g.,

> curry-addtypes LazyProgram


Checkout with CPM:
cypm checkout addtypes 0.0.1
Package source:
addtypes-0.0.1.tar.gz [browse]
Source repository: