Abstract: ObjectCurry: An object oriented extension of the declarative multi-paradigm language Curry
Curry combines the concepts of functional, logic and concurrent
programming languages. Concurrent programming with ports allows
the modeling of objects in Curry similar to
object-oriented programming languages. In this paper, we present
ObjectCurry, a conservative extension of Curry. ObjectCurry allows
the direct definition of templates which play the role of classes in
conventional object-oriented languages. Objects are instances of a
template. An object owns a state and reacts when it receives a
message---usually by sending messages to other objects or
a transformation of its state. ObjectCurry also provides
inheritance between templates. Furthermore, we show how programs can
be translated from ObjectCurry into Curry by exploiting the
concurrency and distribution features of Curry. To
implement inheritance, we extend the type system of Curry,
which is based on parametric polymorphism, to include subtyping for
objects and messages.