Uploaded at Apr 1 12:04:37 2020 (UTC)

Curry Package spicey

Welcome to the Spicey web application framework!

To generate an application, follow the steps below.

  1. Create a Curry program containing a constant of type Database.ERD.ERD which describes your entity-relationship model (see the file "examples/BlogERD.curry" as an example).

  2. Change to the directory in which you want to create the project.

  3. From there execute spiceup and supply the name of the term file, e.g.,

    spiceup .../BlogERD.curry

This generates the complete source code of the initial application (see the generated file README.txt for some explanations).

You can also provide a file name for the SQLite3 database in which all data is stored, e.g.,

   spiceup --db BlogData.db .../Blog.erdterm

If the parameter "--db ..." is not provided, then the name of database file is ".db" where is the name of the specified ER model. Since this file name will be used in the generated cgi programs, a relative file name will be relative to the place where the cgi programs are stored.

  1. Compile the generated programs by make compile.

  2. Configure the Makefile (variable WEBSERVERDIR) and execute make deploy to deploy the web application.

  3. After the successful compilation, the application is executable in a web browser by loading <URL of web dir>/spicey.cgi.


Checkout with CPM:
cypm checkout spicey 1.0.0
Package source:
spicey-1.0.0.tar.gz [browse]
Source repository: