addtypes-2.0.0 -------------- Version 2.0.0 Author Bernd Brassel Maintainer Michael Hanus Synopsis A tool to add missing type signatures in a Curry program Category Programming Dependencies abstract-curry >= 2.0.0 base >= 1.0.0, < 2.0.0 currypath >= 0.0.1 searchtree >= 0.0.1 wl-pprint >= 0.0.1 Compiler compatibility pakcs >= 2.0.0, < 3.0.0 kics2 >= 2.0.0, < 3.0.0 Description This package contains a tool which adds missing type signatures to top-level operations in a Curry module. Moreover, it contains a library to process strings containing Curry source code and classifies it into a few standard categories Executable Name curry-addtypes Main module AddTypes Exported modules AddTypes CurryStringClassifier Source Git