Session 0
- 10:00 -- 10:05 Frank Huch, Janis Voigtländer. Begrüßung
- 10:05 -- 11:00
Peter Pepper, TU Berlin. The Beauty of Acausality (Eingeladener Vortrag)
11:00 -- 11:30 Kaffeepause
Session 1
- 11:30 -- 12:00 Evgenij Belikov, Hans-Wolfgang Loidl, Greg Michaelson and Phil Trinder.
Architecture-Aware Cost Modelling for Parallel Performance Portability
- 12:00 -- 12:30 Dirk Tetzlaff and Sabine Glesner.
Making MPI Intelligent
- 12:30 -- 13:00 David Sabel.
An Abstract Machine for Concurrent Haskell with Futures
13:00 -- 14:30 Mittagspause
Session 2
- 14:30 -- 15:00 Christian Heinlein.
MOSTflexiPL - Modular, Statically Typed, Flexibly Extensible Programming Language
- 15:00 -- 15:30 Michael Hanus, Björn Peemöller and Fabian Reck.
Search Strategies for Functional Logic Programming
- 15:30 -- 16:00
Dirk Richter and Roberto Hoffmann.
Fehlalarmfreie Abstraktion in ISO-C konformer Semantik
16:00 -- 16:30 Kaffeepause
Session 3
- 16:30 -- 17:00 Henning Thielemann. Live-Musikprogrammierung in Haskell
- 17:00 -- 17:30 Tim Frey.
Exploring Software Variance with Hypermodelling - An exemplary approach