ASTRON Hotel This reservation is valid until August 11, 2000. After August 11, 2000 there is no availability of rooms guarranteed. You still can make use of the reservation code i. o. t. achieve the benefit of our special GMD-FIRST-price. So, prices will change to Please do not check in before 2 p.m. Check outs must be made until 12 a.m.
Spreestraße 14
D-12439 Berlin
Tel. + 49 30 6 39 03-0
Fax. + 49 30 6 39 03-3 00
The special prices for "WLP2000" (reservation code)
are:Single/Double room 99 DM + Breakfast 23 DM (optional)
Single/Double room 105 DM + Breakfast 23 DM (optional)