WLP 2023 - Call for Participation

From: Sibylle Schwarz <sibylle.schwarz_at_htwk-leipzig.de>
Date: Thu, 7 Sep 2023 23:13:34 +0200

                  Call for Participation - WLP 2023
       Workshop on (Constraint and Functional) Logic Programming
                 September 26, 2023, Berlin, Germany
                     Workshop at KI2023

The Workshop on (Constraint and Functional) Logic Programming serves as
the scientific forum and the annual meeting of the Society of Logic
Programming (GLP e.V.) and brings together researchers interested in
logic programming, constraint programming, functional programming, and
related areas like knowledge representation, artificial intelligence,

For a detailed program see: https://dbs.informatik.uni-halle.de/wlp2023

Registration: https://informatik2023.gi.de/registration_ki.html

We look forward to seeing you in Berlin.

Organizers: Sibylle Schwarz, Mario Wenzel

-- Prof. Dr. Sibylle Schwarz
-- https://informatik.htwk-leipzig.de/schwarz
-- sibylle.schwarz_at_htwk-leipzig.de -- phone 0341 / 3076 6483

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