WLP 2021 - 35th Workshop on (Constraint) Logic Programming, korrigierte Deadline: June 30, 2021

From: Prof. Dr. Ulrich John <ulrich.john_at_victoria-hochschule.de>
Date: Wed, 28 Apr 2021 13:00:04 +0200

  WLP 2021 - 35th Workshop on (Constraint) Logic Programming

      at KI 2021 <https://ki2021.uni-luebeck.de> (Berlin/ virtual)


    Call for Papers (/http://www.digitales-unternehmen.de/WLP2021//)

WLP 2021 provides a forum for exchanging ideas on declarative logic
programming, constraint logic programming, non-monotonic reasoning,
knowledge representation, and facilitates interactions between research
in theoretical foundations and the design, implementation and
application of (constraint) logic-based systems. Declarative approaches
- especially in combination with other AI technologies and disruptive
non-AI technologies - have an increasing relevance for digitalization
projects in many sectors.

Contributions are welcome on all aspects of logic programming (LP),
constraint programming (CP), and other fields of artificial
intelligence, including, but not limited to the following areas:

  * Logic programming
  * Constraint programming
  * Deductive databases, data mining
  * Extensions of declarative languages, objects
  * Multi-paradigm declarative programming
  * Foundations, semantics, nonmonotonic reasoning, dynamics
  * Parallelism, concurrency
  * Program analysis, abstract interpretation
  * Program transformation, partial evaluation, meta-programming
  * Specification, verification, declarative debugging
  * Knowledge representation, machine learning
  * Interaction of declarative programming with other formalisms (e.g.,
    agents, XML, Java)
  * Implementation of declarative languages
  * Advanced programming environments and tools
  * Software engineering in the context of declarative programming
  * Applications
  * Lessons learned by teaching in the addressed fields

The primary focus is on new and original research results but
submissions describing innovative products, prototypes under
development, application systems, running projects, frame concepts or
interesting experiments (e.g., benchmarks) are also encouraged.


Authors are invited to submit full papers (no longer than 12 pages,
excluding references) or short papers (no longer than 6 pages, excluding
All submissions must be unpublished original work and must be written in
English. However, work that already appeared in unpublished or
informally published workshops proceedings may be submitted, too.
Workshop languages are German and English.

Papers must be written using the LNCS style for authors and can be
submitted using EasyChair (Link will be added soon).

Accepted papers will be published.

        Important Dates

  * Paper Submission: *June 30, 2021*
  * Notification of Authors: July 2021
  * Camera-ready Paper: August 31, 2021
  * Workshop: /September 27 or 28, 2021/


  * Ulrich John, VICTORIA | Internationale Hochschule (vormals HWTK),
    Berlin, ulrich.john_at_victoria-hochschule.de
  * Petra Hofstedt, Brandenburgische Technische Universität
    Cottbus-Senftenberg, hofstedt_at_b-tu.de
  * Mario Wenzel, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg


  * Slim Abdennadher, German University in Cairo
  * Christoph Beierle, FernUniversität Hagen
  * Stefan Brass, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
  * François Bry, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
  * Ulrich Geske, Universität Potsdam
  * Michael Hanus, Universität Kiel
  * Petra Hofstedt, Brandenburgische Technische Universität
  * Ulrich John, VICTORIA | Internationale Hochschule, Berlin
  * Sibylle Schwarz, Hochschule für Technik, Wirtschaft und Kultur Leipzig
  * Dietmar Seipel, Universität Würzburg
  * Hans Tompits, TU Wien
  * Mario Wenzel, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
  * Armin Wolf, Fraunhofer FOKUS, Berlin

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