WLP 2020 - Deadline Extension, WWW, Easychair

From: Dietmar Seipel <dietmar.seipel_at_uni-wuerzburg.de>
Date: Mon, 22 Jun 2020 16:30:28 +0000


    Submission: 13.07.2020
    Notification of Authors: 27.07.2020
    Camera-ready Papers: 10.08.2020
    Workshop: 21./22.09.2020 (exact day to be confirmed)


WLP 2020 - 34th Workshop on (Constraint) Logic Programming

The annual WLP workshops provides a forum for exchanging ideas
on declarative logic programming, non-monotonic reasoning,
and knowledge representation, and facilitate interactions
between research in theoretical foundations and in the
design and implementation of logic-based systems.

WLP 2020 will be held at the German Conference on Artificial
Intelligence (KI 2020) in Bamberg
( https://ki2020.uni-bamberg.de/ ).

Contributions are welcome on all theoretical, experimental, and
application aspects of logic and constraint logic programming.
The topics include, but are not limited to the following areas:
  - Logic and Constraint Logic Programming Languages
    and Extensions
  - Knowledge Representation and Non-monotonic Reasoning
  - Applications and Application Areas of (C)LP
  - Implementations

Submission Guidelines

The structure of the workshop will be informal.
We invite extended abstracts (2-3 pages, using the Springer LNCS
style) in the following categories:

  - Theoretical background
  - Applications
  - Novel approaches
  - Open research questions
  - System descriptions and demonstrations
  - Ongoing work

Submission is via Easychair submission website for WLP 2020

All papers will be judged on the basis of significance,
relevance, correctness, originality, and clarity.

All abstracts accepted for presentation at the conference will
be published in informal proceedings publicly available.

All accepted contributions will be presented during the workshop.
At least one author of an accepted abstract is expected
to register for the workshop and present the paper.

  - Submission: 13.07.2020
  - Notification of Authors: 27.07.2020
  - Camera-ready Papers: 10.08.2020
  - Workshop: 21./22.09.2020 (exact day to be confirmed)

Organizing Committee
Michael Hanus (University of Kiel, Germany)
Sibylle Schwarz (HTWK Leipzig, Germany)
Dietmar Seipel (University of Würzburg, Germany)


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Received on Mo Jun 22 2020 - 18:43:04 CEST

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