CFP: Intl. Workshop on Roles in Semantic Technologies and Reasoning, 21-25 Sept. 2015, Dresden, Germany

From: behrend <>
Date: Tue, 02 Jun 2015 13:48:08 +0200

                     CALL FOR PAPERS

      1st International Workshop on the Concept of Roles
           in Semantic Technologies and Reasoning.
                - in conjunction with KI 2015 -
                       (ICRSR 2015)

           Dresden, Germany, September 21-25, 2015


The concept of role modeling has been investigated in different
research fields in order to model context-related information,
including - above all - the dynamic change of contexts. However,
often roles have only been used in an isolated way for context
modeling in programming languages, in database modeling or to
specify access control mechanisms. Never have they been used
consistently over all levels of abstraction in the software
development process, i.e. over the modeling of concepts, languages,
applications, and software systems. Only then, software can be
called consistently context-sensitive. It remains an important
research goal to deliver a proof of the capability of consistent
role modeling and its practical applicability. Consistency means
that roles are used systematically for context modeling on all
levels of the modeling process. This includes the concept modeling
(in meta-languages), the language modeling, and the modeling on
the application and software system level.

Automated reasoning processes are important in order to verify the
consistent application of roles for every level of abstraction.
Because of explicitly modelled relationships between identified
roles, reasoning can be additionally employed for determining
derived correlations among them. This facilitates the automated
detection and verification of context changes on different levels
of abstraction. Formal knowledge representation languages such as
Description Logics could be employed for systematically defining
relationships between the identified role concepts and to allow
for reasoning about model transformations and synchronizations.
Verifying and maintaining consistency using an elaborate role
concept offers significant advantages in the field of software
systems engineering because context changes are interrelated on
different levels of abstraction. Potential application fields are
the future smart grid, natural energy based computing, cyber-
physical systems in home, traffic, and factories, enterprise
resource planning software, context-sensitive search engines, etc.

This workshop therefore aims to gather researchers from different
disciplines interested in (some of) the questions mentioned above
and/or working on some aspect of roles in computer science, either
on a representational, computational, or reasoning/explanatory
level. The list of relevant topics includes but is clearly not
limited to:

  - Formal representation of roles
  - Roles in ontologies
  - Roles for supporting ontology-based reasoning
  - Roles in system specifications
  - Temporal logics for role model verification
  - Formal checking of role models
  - Deductive methods for role models
  - Formal semantics for model with meta-predicates
  - Meta-predicates in model verification

In order to allow for a maximally integrative approach and an open
discussion this workshop encourages researchers not only to present
research papers but also position papers, and to address controversial
problems, questions, or perspectives.

Important Dates
Final call for papers sent 1st of June, 2015
Paper submission deadline 15th of June, 2015
Notification of acceptance 10th of July, 2015
Camera-ready versions 10th of August, 2015

Submission Guidelines
We invite papers, which have to be in English, 10 pages max., excluding
references, and formatted according to the Springer LNCS style without
any page numbers.

Submission will be through the EasyChair conference management system:

All papers will be subject to blind peer review based on the standard
criteria of relevance, significance of results, originality of ideas,
soundness, and quality of the presentation. All accepted papers will be
published online in the CEUR Workshop Proceedings, and will be presented
at the conference. At least one author of each accepted paper must register
for the workshop and present the contribution.

Program Committee
The Program Committee will be constituted by an international group of
experienced researchers from relevant fields such as, e.g., role-based
software modelling, deductive database, formal verification. Already
confirmed as PC member are:

Alberto Abelló - UPC, Barcelona, Spain
Andreas Behrend - Universität Bonn, Germany
Francois Bry - LMU München, Germany
Sebastian Götz - TU Dresden, Germany
Rolf Hennicker - LMU München, Germany
Rainer Manthey - Universität Bonn, Germany
Wolfgang Reisig - HU Berlin, Germany
Dietmar Seipel - Uni Würzburg, Germany
Friedrich Steimann - FU Hagen, Germany
Hannes Voigt - TU Dresden, Germany
Robert Wrembel - PUT, Poznan, Poland
Esteban Zimányi - ULB, Brussels, Belgium

Wolfgang Reisig - HU Berlin
Andreas Behrend - Universität Bonn
Hannes Voigt - TU Dresden

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