CfP: ICLP 2014

From: Michael Hanus <>
Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 17:32:47 +0100

                        CALL FOR PAPERS

30th International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP 2014)
         Part of the Federated Logic Conference FLoC 2014

                    Vienna, Austria, July 19-22, 2014



Since the first conference held in Marseilles in 1982, ICLP has been
the premier international conference for presenting research in logic
programming. Contributions are sought in all areas of logic
programming including but not restricted to:

Theory: Semantic Foundations, Formalisms, Nonmonotonic Reasoning,
     Knowledge Representation.

Implementation: Compilation, Virtual Machines, Parallelism.

Environments: Program Analysis, Transformation, Validation,
     Verification, Debugging, Profiling, Testing.

Language Issues: Concurrency, Objects, Coordination, Mobility, Higher
     Order, Types, Modes, Assertions, Programming Techniques.

Related Paradigms: Inductive and Coinductive Logic Programming, Constraint
     Logic Programming, Answer-Set Programming, SAT-Checking

Applications: Databases, Data Integration and Federation, Software
     Engineering, Natural Language Processing, Web and Semantic Web,
     Agents, Artificial Intelligence, Bioinformatics.

In addition to the presentations of accepted papers, the technical
program will include invited talks, advanced tutorials, the doctoral
consortium, and several workshops.


The four broad categories for submissions are as follows. Regular
papers, including: (1) technical papers for describing technically
sound, innovative ideas that can advance the state of logic
programming; (2) application papers, where the emphasis will be on
their impact on the application domain; (3) system and tool papers,
where the emphasis will be on the novelty, practicality, usability and
availability of the systems and tools described. Technical commu-
nications (4) aimed at describing recent developments, new projects,
and other materials that are not ready for publication as standard
papers. All papers and technical communications will be presented
during the conference.

All submissions must describe original, previously unpublished
research, and must not simultaneously be submitted for publication
elsewhere. They must be written in English. Technical papers,
application papers, and system and tool papers must not exceed 12
pages plus bibliography: however a new condensed TPLP format may be
used and the papers may include appendices beyond 12 pages. The limit
for technical communications is 10 pages. Submissions must be made in
the condensed TPLP format via the Easychair submission system, available at


Paper registration (abstract): January 31, 2014
Submission deadline: February 5, 2014
Notification to authors: March 18, 2014
Revision deadline (when needed): April 18, 2014
Camera-ready copy due: May 15, 2014
Conference: July 19-22, 2014


All accepted papers will be published in the journal Theory and
Practice of Logic Programming (TPLP), Cambridge University Press
(CUP), in one or more special issues. In order to ensure the quality
of the final version, papers may be subject to more than one round of
refereeing (within the decision period). Accepted technical
communications will be published in the on-line abstract of the
special issue(s). The program committee may also recommend standard
papers to be published as technical communications.

At the time of the conference CUP will make the web page for this(ese)
TPLP issue(s) available including volume and issue numbers, table of
contents, page numbers, and the papers themselves. All registered
attendants at the conference will get a password for on-line access to
this web page during the conference and indefinitely from then on
("lifetime access"), which can be used to read papers on line,
download them, or print them for personal use. Attendants will also
receive all the papers in a memory stick at the conference.


General Chair:
Manuel Carro Technical University of Madrid

Program Co-chairs:
Michael Leuschel University of Düsseldorf
Tom Schrijvers Ghent University

Workshop Chair:
Haifeng Guo University of Nebraska at Omaha

Doctoral Consortium:
Martin Gebser University of Potsdam
Jael Kriener Kent University


Elvira Albert Complutense University of Madrid
Sergio Antoy Portland State University
Marcello Balduccini Drexel University
Francois Bry University of Munich
Mats Carlsson SICS
Iliano Cervesato Carnegie Mellon University - Qatar Campus
Kaustuv Chaudhuri INRIA
Michael Codish Ben-Gurion University
Danny De Schreye KU Leuven
Marc Denecker KU Leuven
Esra Erdem Sabanci University
Samir Genaim Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Gopal Gupta University of Texas at Dallas
Michael Hanus CAU Kiel
Remy Haemmerle Universidad Politecnica de Madrid
Ethan Jackson Microsoft
Gerda Janssen KU Leuven
Michael Kifer State University of New York at Stony Brook
Andy King University of Kent
Guenter Kniesel University of Bonn
Yanhong Annie Liu State University of New York at Stony Brook
Michael Maher University of New South Wales
Rainer Manthey University of Bonn
Fred Mesnard Universite de la Reunion
Jose Morales IMDEA Software Research Institute
Alberto Pettorossi Universita di Roma Tor Vergata
Gianfranco Rossi Universita di Parma
Vitor Santos Costa Universidade do Porto
Peter Schachte University of Melbourne
Torsten Schaub University of Potsdam
Hirohisa Seki Nagoya Institute of Technology
Peter Stuckey University of Melbourne
Paul Tarau University of North Texas
Michael Thielscher University of New South Wales
Hans Tompits Vienna University of Technology
Francesca Toni Imperial College London
German Vidal Universitat Politecnica de Valencia
Jan Wielemaker University of Amsterdam
Stefan Woltran Vienna University of Technology
Neng-Fa Zhou City University of New York


The conference is sponsored by the Association for Logic Programming


The Association for Logic Programming has funds to assist financially
disadvantaged participants and, specially, students in order to be
able to attend the conference.


The ICLP 2014 program will include several workshops, held before and
after the main conference. They are perhaps the best places for the
presentation of preliminary work, undeveloped novel ideas, and new
open problems to a wide and interested audience with opportunities for
intensive discussions and project collaboration.


The 9th Doctoral Consortium (DC) on Logic Programming provides
research students with the opportunity to present and discuss their
research directions, and to obtain feedback from both peers and
world-renown experts in the field. Accepted participants will receive
partial financial support to attend the event and the main conference.
The best paper and presentation from the DC will be given the
opportunity to present in a special session of the main ICLP


The venue will be the Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien).
Vienna University of Technology is situated in the very heart of Vienna,
in the pulsating cultural centre of town, right on the Karlsplatz metro
the largest metro station at which three different subway lines cross
each other.

The University is within easy walking distance from the Imperial Palace,
important music venues including the Opera House and the Musikverein‚
home of the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra ‚ from where the New Year's
is annually broadcasted around the globe, from beautiful churches such
as the
splendid baroque Karlskirche (Church of St. Charles) and St. Stephen's
which is at the very city center, from major museums including the art
Secession building, the Albertina Museum, the Museum of Fine Arts, the
of Natural History, and the newly built Museum's Quarter hosting modern art,
and largest European open market "the Naschmarkt" with variety of
international restaurants.

Vienna International Airport is about 20 km away from the venue. The
venue is
easily accessible from the airport by a range of means of public
as well as cabs. Prices range from EUR 3,6 to EUR 34 depending on kind
of transportation.
Travel time to downtown Vienna is between 16 and 30 minutes.
Another airport close by is Bratislava Airport in Slovakia, about 50 km away
from the venue. It takes about 45 minutes to get to downtown Vienna by
car or bus.
Bus tickets currently cost EUR 10 for one way ride, and depart approximately
every 45 minutes.

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