3rd CHR Summer School in Berlin

From: Michael Hanus <mh_at_informatik.uni-kiel.de>
Date: Mon, 08 Apr 2013 09:38:27 +0200

3rd CHR Summer School in Berlin

"Third time's the charm"
Programming and Reasoning with Rules and Constraints

(Co-located with the 10th Workshop on Constraint Handling Rules)

After going to Belgium and Egypt, and having attracted over 50
participants to learn about and to discuss engaging topics related to
Constraint Programming (CP) and Constraint Handling Rules(CHR),
the third summer school will take place this year in Germany.

Where? - GUC Berlin, Germany

When? - 8th to 12th of July, 2013

Why? - To introduce rule-based and constraint-based high-level
         declarative programming, and to provide insights based on
         these concepts for the analysis of programs, whilst
         covering a wide range of topics of varying difficulty
         from theory to practice

Who? - For students, researchers, interested practitioners around the
         world who wish to learn about CP and CHR, the only prerequisites
         are a working knowledge of English and basic knowledge of logic
         and Prolog (typically covered in undergraduate classes)

      1. Introduction to Constraint Programming and Modeling a Constraint
      2. Consistency Techniques and Constraint Reasoning
      3. Constraint-Based Scheduling
      4. Introduction to Constraint Handling Rules (CHR)
      5. Implementing Constraint Solvers using CHR
      6. Analysis of CHR Solvers
      7. Abductive Reasoning and language processing with CHR
      8. Probabilistic CHR: CHRiSM
      9. Source to Source Transformation for CHR
     10. Parallel Execution of CHR on a Graphical Processing Unit
     11. Confluence Analysis of CHR Programs
     12. Optimizing Compilation of CHR
     13. ASV Roboat - an autonomous sailing boat for ocean monitoring and
its long-term routing

Early Registration deadline - April 30, 2013

Normal Registration deadline - June 15, 2013


With support from GUC Egypt and DAAD Germany

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