Call for Papers - CPAIOR 2011 Workshop on Innovative Scheduling and other Applications (ISA), Deadline approaching

From: Petra Hofstedt <>
Date: Thu, 17 Mar 2011 11:27:17 +0100


                           CPAIOR 2011 WORKSHOP

    ISA - "Innovative Scheduling and other Applications using CP-AI-OR"

                               May 24, 2011

                     Zuse Institute, Berlin, Germany


The focus of this workshop are new and innovative applications using
CP-AI-OR technology either addressing new application areas, the
combination of different modeling and/or solution technologies (hybrid
problem models, hybrid solvers, problem decomposition, new modeling
concepts and pruning/search algorithms) or interactive systems
assisting their users in decision making.

This includes but is not restricted to

      * load balancing applications in smart energy systems like
        producer-consumer-alignment problems (e.g. caused by the
        variability of renewable energy),

      * scheduling in safety critical system, e.g. using multi-core
        infrastructure, e.g. in automotive, avionics, etc.,

      * the integration of (business) process modeling and scheduling in
        order to support complex management decisions (e.g. scheduling
        and/or resource allocation, etc.) e.g. in medicine, etc.

The workshop provides the opportunity to present and discuss ongoing
research and prototype systems showing the potential of CP-AI-OR
concepts, models and algorithms in application areas which are open for
any innovative management solutions. Due to this fact, the topics
addressed in this workshop are of great interest for CP-AI-OR.


We encourage authors to submit papers covering all aspects of research
on innovative applications and technology in CP-AI-OR. Standard
research papers, position papers and work-in-progress papers describing
current projects are equally welcome.

Submissions should be formatted in Springer LNCS format, be up to 10
pages in length (extended abstract) and up to 4 pages for system
To submit a paper for the workshop, please use the EasyChair system.


The proceedings are published as a computer science report of the BTU
Cottbus (ISSN: 1437-7969). They will be online available.


    Dr. Armin Wolf

    e-mail: armin.wolf[_at_]

    Fraunhofer-Institut für Rechnerarchitektur
    und Softwaretechnik, FIRST
    Kekuléstraße 7
    12489 Berlin

    Prof. Dr. Petra Hofstedt

    e-mail: hofstedt[_at_]

    Brandenburgische Technische Universität Cottbus
    Lehrstuhl Programmiersprachen und Compilerbau
    Konrad-Wachsmann-Allee 1
    03044 Cottbus


    Submission: March 20, 2011
    Notification: April 17, 2011
    Final Version: May 01, 2011


Slim Abdennadher, German University in Cairo, Egypt
Roman Bartak, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
Christoph Beierle, FernUniversität Hagen, Germany
Ulrich Geske, University of Potsdam, Germany
Hans-Joachim Goltz, Fraunhofer FIRST, Berlin, Germany
Petra Hofstedt, Brandenburg University of Technology, Cottbus, Germany
Walter Hower, Albstadt-Sigmaringen University, Germany
Georg Ringwelski, University of Applied Sciences Zittau-Görlitz, Germany
Andreas Schutt, University of Melbourne, Australia
Helmut Simonis, 4C, Cork, Ireland
Armin Wolf, Fraunhofer FIRST, Berlin, Germany


For registration and travel information please see the corresponding

Prof. Dr. Petra Hofstedt      BTU Cottbus
Tel: +49-355-69-3886          Programming Languages and
Fax: +49-355-69-3830          Compiler Construction Group
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