PhD Positions in Informatics available at University of Calabria

From: Francesco Calimeri <>
Date: Tue, 11 Nov 2008 12:17:21 +0100

                  University of Calabria (Italy)

       Two Ph.D. Positions available for non-Italian citizens
       at the Doctoral Program in Mathematics and Informatics

The University of Calabria invites applications of non-Italian
citizens for 2 Ph.D. scholarships for the 2009 class of the
Doctoral Program in Mathematics and Informatics.

The Program has been activated by the Department of Mathematics
(, which is one of the largest departments of
the University of Calabria.

The Ph.D. period will be 3 years.

The University of Calabria will provide one successful candidate
with a grant, of about EUR 1050,00 per month.

For all the successful candidates, the University of Calabria is
also likely to cover living expenses (mensa + accommodation in the

Ph.D. positions are offered in a pleasant working environment with
excellent possibilities for professional development.

Successful candidates in Informatics (with projects focused on AI
and Computational Logics) will join the Database and Artificial
Intelligence group of the Department of Mathematics. The group has
deep knowledge in several AI areas, which are investigated with
respect to their theoretical aspects and their formal foundations
as well as with the respect to the design of practical
applications most often carried out in tight cooperation with
industrial partners. In particular, members of the group conduct
high-level research in the development of innovative
infrastructure for knowledge representation and reasoning, and
have achieved important results in developing non-monotonic
reasoning systems.

Only non-Italian citizens (from within European Community as well
as from outside) are allowed to submit. The required qualification
for being eligible for the program is a Master's Degree, or
equivalent. A three-year degree is not sufficient.

We are looking for highly-motivated, dedicated candidates that are
interested in research in Informatics or Mathematics.

Candidates are requested to:
 - Fill in the online form available at
 - Send a notice of the application to, and
   annex the following deliverables:
    (1) Curriculum Vitae (conforming to the template available at
    (2) Research project (3 pages max)
    (3) Presentation letter (2 pages max)
    (4) List of passed university exams, with scores

The deadline is 2008-12-04 (December 4th, 2008), 12:00 CET.

To get in contact with the Department of Mathematics, send an
email to:

Prof. Nicola Leone
Department of Mathematics, University of Calabria
Ponte P. Bucci, cubo 30b
I-87036 Rende (CS), Italy
Phone: +39 0984 49 6433
Fax : +39 0984 49 6410

To get in touch with the current PhD students, see

For further information, please refer to:
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