CfP: FDPE 2008

From: Michael Hanus <>
Date: Wed, 21 May 2008 17:34:18 +0200 (CEST)


                         Call for Papers
     Functional and Declarative Programming in Education (FDPE08)
             Victoria, BC, Canada, 21 September, 2008
       The workshop will be held in conjunction with ICFP 2008.

Important Dates
Submission deadline: Friday, June 20, 2008
Notification of acceptance: Friday, July 25, 2008
Final revision due: Monday, July 14, 2008
Workshop: Sunday, September 21, 2008

Goals of the Workshop
Functional and declarative programming plays an increasingly important
role in computing education at all levels. The aim of this workshop is to
bring together educators and others who are interested in exchanging ideas
on how to use a functional or declarative programming style in the
classroom or in e-learning environments. Beyond the traditional focus of
teaching programming by means of the functional or declarative paradigm,
we are especially interested in case studies showing how these languages
can be elegantly applied in teaching other topics of computer science
(such as Appel's use of ML to teach compiler construction).

Another interesting area covered by the workshop should be dedicated to
teaching functional or declarative programming ideas in industrial
environments. Functional and declarative languages have become more
influential in industry. Thus, teaching such languages has become an
interesting topic, as it must take into consideration long programming
experiences in imperative languages.

The workshop will cover a wide spectrum of functional and declarative
programming techniques:

    * programming courses using traditional functional and declarative
      programming languages (e.g. Haskell, Mathematica, ML, Prolog,
      Scheme, etc);
    * programming courses teaching functional programming in commercial
      languages (e.g. C, C++, Common LISP, etc);
    * programming courses teaching functional program design in modern OO
      languages (e.g. Java, C#, Eiffel, etc);
    * pedagogic programming environments to support functional and
      declarative programming;
    * teaching tools implemented with functional and declarative
      languages and/or ideas;
    * declarative programming language extensions and implementations with
      pedagogical relevance;
    * application courses that benefit heavily from functional and
      declarative programming (e.g. theorem proving or hardware design).

Furthermore, the workshop will also cover all levels of education:
    * secondary school;
    * college and university;
    * post-college and continuing professional education.

FDPE will be held in conjunction with the 13th ACM SIGPLAN International
Conference on Functional Programming (ICFP 2008) in Victoria, British
Columbia, Canada on Sunday, September 21, 2008.

Submitted papers should describe new ideas, experimental results, or
education-related projects. In order to encourage lively discussion,
submitted papers may describe new ideas of education as well as project
proposals about incorporating functional and declarative concepts into
education curricula. All papers will be judged on a combination of
correctness, significance, novelty, clarity, and interest to the

All paper submissions must be at most 12 pages total length in the
standard ACM SIGPLAN two-column conference format (9pt). Accepted papers
will be published by the ACM and will appear in the ACM Digital Library.
Submissions will be refereed by the program commitee who will call upon
other members involved in teaching in related areas for expert advice.

More details about the submission procedure will be announced on
the FDPE website at

Registration, hotels, travel, etc.
Information about registration, accommodation, and travel will eventually
be available on the main conference web site

Program Committee
    * John Clements, California Polytechnic State University, United
    * Matthew Flatt, University of Utah, United States
    * Michael Hanus, University of Kiel, Germany
    * Frank Huch, University of Kiel, Germany (co-chair)
    * Adam Parkin, University of Victoria, Canada (co-chair)
    * Simon Thompson, University of Kent, UK
    * Mads Torgersen, Microsoft Redmond, United States

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