2nd CfP: INAP 2007

From: Dietmar Seipel <seipel_at_informatik.uni-wuerzburg.de>
Date: Tue, 29 May 2007 18:15:54 +0200 (CEST)


      Call for Papers

      International Conference on
      Applications of Declarative Programming
      and Knowledge Management


      University of Wuerzburg, Germany
      October 4-6, 2007


Declarative Programming is an advanced paradigm for the modeling and solving
of complex problems. This specification method has got more and more attraction
over the last years, e.g. in the domains of databases and natural language
processing, for the modeling and the processing of combinatorial problems, and
for establishing systems for the web.

INAP 2007

INAP is a communicative and dense conference for intensive discussion of
applications of important technologies around Prolog, Logic Programming,
Constraint Problem Solving and closely related advanced software.
It comprehensively covers the impact of programmable logic solvers in the
Internet Society, its underlying technologies, and leading edge applications
in industry, commerce, government, and societal services.

We invite the submission of papers on the described fields, especially,
but not excluding, on different aspects of Declarative Programming, Constraint
Processing and Knowledge Management as well as their use for Distributed
Systems and the Web:

    * Knowledge Management,
      e.g. Data Mining, Decision Support, Deductive Databases
    * Distributed Systems and the Web,
      e.g. Agents and Concurrent Engineering, Semantic Web
    * Constraints,
      e.g. Constraint Systems, Extensions of Constraint (Logic) Programming
    * Theoretical Foundations,
      e.g. Deductive Databases, Nonmonotonic Reasoning
    * Systems and Tools for Academic and Industrial Use
    * Knowledge-based Web Services - Logic Solvers and Applications

WLP 2007

The Workshops on Logic Programming (WLP) are the annual meeting of the
Society of Logic Programming (GLP e.V.); they bring together researchers
interested in logic programming, constraint programming, and related areas
like databases and artificial intelligence.
Previous workshops have been held in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

Contributions are welcome on all theoretical, experimental, and application
aspects of constraint programming (CP) and logic programming (LP), including,
but not limited to (the order does not reflect priorities):

    * Foundations of Constraint/Logic Programming
    * Constraint Solving and Optimization
    * Extensions: Functional-Logic Programming, Objects
    * Deductive Databases, Data Mining
    * Nonmonotonic Reasoning
    * Dynamics, Updates, States, Transactions
    * Interaction of CP/LP with other formalisms like Agents, XML, JAVA
    * Program Analysis, Program Transformation, Program Verification,
      Meta Pogramming
    * Parallelism and Concurrency
    * Implementation Techniques
    * Software Techniques (e.g. Types, Modularity, Design Patterns)
    * Applications (e.g. in Production, Environment, Education, Internet)

This year, INAP and WLP will be jointly organized in order to promote the
cross-fertilizing exchange of ideas and experiences among researches and
students from the different communities interested in the foundations,
applications, and combinations of high-level, declarative programming
languages and related areas.

The technical program of the conference will include invited talks,
presentations of refereed papers and system demonstrations.

Important Dates

      Deadline for Submission: June 8, 2007
      Notification of Authors: July 6, 2007
      Final Versions of Papers: July 27, 2007
      Conference: October 4-6, 2007

Conference Tracks

    * Track 1: WLP

    * Track 2: Knowledge Management - INAP
          o Knowledge Base Management
          o Answer Set Programming and its Applications
          o Data Mining

    * Track 3: Constraints - INAP
          o CP and IP/OR and Local Search
          o CP systems
          o Optimization and Simulation of Complex Problems
            in Industry, Medicine, and Offices

    * Track 4: Applications - INAP
          o Web Agents and Industrial Web Applications
          o Information Systems for Industry, Commerce, Government
            and Societal Services
          o Systems and Tools for Education and Research

Invited Talks

to be announced


Submissions must be written in English and can be up to 10 pages long.
All submissions must be original work. Submissions must be unpublished
and not submitted for publication elsewhere. Work that already appeared
in unpublished or informally published workshops proceedings may be

Authors are strongly encouraged to use LaTeX2e and the Springer llncs
class file, available at Authors' Instructions subpage.

The submission procedure is described at the WWW pages (see below);
for the INAP tracks it will be by EasyChair.
Please, indicate clearly your preference for one of the tracks of
the conference.

All accepted papers will be published in a technical report.
As for previous INAP conferences, it is planned to publish selected
papers in a post-conference proceedings volume in the Springer Lecture
Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI) series LNCS/LNAI.

Program Chair (INAP)

      Dietmar Seipel, University of Wuerzburg, Germany

Program Committee (INAP)

      Sergio Alvarez, Boston College, USA
      Oskar Bartenstein, IF Computer, Japan
      Joachim Baumeister, University of Wuerzburg, Germany
      Henning Christiansen, Roskilde University, Denmark
      Ulrich Geske, University of Potsdam, Germany
      Parke Godfrey, York University, Canada
      Petra Hofstedt, Technical University of Berlin, Germany
      Thomas Kleemann, University of Wuerzburg, Germany
      Ilkka Niemelae, Helsinki University of Technology, Finland
      David Pearce, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid, Spain
      Carolina Ruiz, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, USA
      Dietmar Seipel, University of Wuerzburg, Germany
      Osamu Takata, Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan
      Hans Tompits, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
      Osamu Yoshie, Waseda University, Japan
      Masanobu Umeda, Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan
      Armin Wolf, Fraunhofer FIRST, Berlin, Germany

Program Chair (WLP)

      Michael Hanus, University of Kiel, Germany

The Program Committee of WLP can be found at the WWW pages.

Conference Site

      Department of Computer Science,
      University of Wuerzburg, Germany

Local Arrangements

      Joachim Baumeister, University of Wuerzburg, Germany
      Dietmar Seipel, University of Wuerzburg, Germany


    * http://www1.informatik.uni-wuerzburg.de/databases/INAP/2007/
    * http://www.informatik.uni-kiel.de/~mh/wlp2007/


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