ccti-0.0.1 ---------- Version 0.0.1 Author Jan Rasmus Tikovsky Synopsis Curry Concolic Testing Interpreter Category Testing Dependencies base >= 1.0.0, < 2.0.0 currypath >= 0.0.1 finite-map >= 0.0.1 flatcurry >= 2.0.0 flatcurry-annotated >= 2.0.0 frontend-exec >= 0.0.1 wl-pprint >= 0.0.1 smtlib >= 0.0.1 smtlib-solver >= 0.0.1 Compiler compatibility pakcs >= 2.0.0 Description This package provides a tool for the automatic generation of test cases for Curry programs via concolic testing. Executable Name ccti Main module ccti Source Git License BSD-3-Clause License file LICENSE